Electrotechnik Pty Ltd (“ELEK”) is committed to providing quality services to you and this policy outlines our ongoing obligations to you our customer in respect to quality of our software.
We have adopted a quality management system to meet our customers and the statutory and regulatory requirements in accordance with ISO/IEC 9001 Quality Management Systems.
A copy of the standard may be obtained from the website of the International Organization for Standardization at www.iso.org
Our Statement of Commitment
Electrotechnik Pty Ltd provides electrical engineering software products and technical services to the worldwide electrical power industry.
We recognise our customers require the products and services we deliver to be leading-edge, accurate and of high quality to which we are committed.
In order to exceed the expectations of our customers we have established a quality management system and culture of excellence which is achieved through innovation, quality processes, training of staff, exceptional customer service and value for money, awareness campaigns and delivering customer feedback programs.
Electrotechnik Pty Ltd is committed to comply with the requirements of the quality management system and to continually improving its effectiveness. The relevance of our quality management system is maintained through updates and we undertake reviews ensuring its continuing suitability. The importance of our quality management system is communicated to our staff and stakeholders assuring it is understood, maintained and implemented throughout our company’s operations.
Our quality management system is maintained in accordance with ISO/IEC 9001 Quality Management Systems. The technical content of our software products and quality procedures surrounding the entire software lifecycle from acquisition and conception through to the design and implementation processes, the documentation, support and maintenance processes are derived from the latest standards and our intention is to adhere with best industry practice.
This quality policy and our strong commitment to it provides the framework for us establishing measurable quality objectives, which we review regularly. It is the responsibility of our staff and the teams to which they belong to ensure that our commitment to quality is maintained and continually improved upon.
Policy Updates
This Policy may change from time to time and is available here on our website.
For further information or to contact us, please visit our contact page.