Equivalent Thermal Resistance of Cable Layers
When modelling high voltage electrical power cables it is necessary to specify the physical and thermal properties of the insulating layers of the cable. The purpose of this calculator is where adjacent insulating cable layers are made of different materials and hence have different thermal resistivity to calculate a single equivalent thermal resistivity of that layer combined.
For example, your high voltage cable has a termite protective serving which sits over the outer jacket of the cable and you need to determine an overall thermal resistivity of those two adjacent layers combined for thermal modelling and determining the current rating of the cable.
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Cable HV Software.
This calculator computes the radius of each cable layer as well as the total thermal resistivity of the cable based on the thermal resistivity of each layer and cable layer diameters. It is applicable for two jacket and three jacket cables whereby the diameter values for each jacket increases alphabetically, that is, layer C should be larger than layer B which should be larger than layer A.
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