Trademark and Copyright Usage Guidelines
Last modified: July 29, 2024
This guide is to help you figure out if you have permission to use our trademarks and copyrighted works, and if so, the rules for using them.
«ELEK Software» is the registered trading name and ELEK® is a registered trademark of Electrotechnik Pty Ltd.
ELEK’s trademarks and copyrighted works are among our most valuable assets. Some examples of ELEK’s trademarks and copyrighted works include word marks, brand names, logos, designs, badges, certification marks, characters (mascots), slogans, taglines, website content, and videos of ELEK, and its affiliates. Any references in these guidelines to ELEK’s trademarks and copyrighted works include those of its affiliate brands. These Guidelines are intended to guide partners, resellers, customers, developers, consultants, publishers, and/or any other third party that wishes to use or display our trademarks and copyrighted work in any manner. Any uses of ELEK’s trademarks and copyrighted works must abide by these Guidelines and must also comply with applicable international trademark and copyright laws to ensure proper protection and respect of our intellectual property across all jurisdictions. Most uses require specific written permission, whether through your separate agreement with ELEK or a license specifically for this purpose.
Prohibited Uses
Absent explicit written authorisation from ELEK, the following uses of ELEK’s trademarks and copyrighted works are strictly prohibited.
Company, Product, Service, or Website Name
You may not incorporate any of ELEK’s trademarks or copyrights, or any recognisable portion of any of ELEK’s trademarks or copyrights, into your company name, app name, product name, service name, website or domain name, social media handle, taglines, or any other source-identifying materials.
Use of Copyrighted Content
You may not use or display any of ELEK’s content, including images, text, audio, video, or media in any other format, for any purpose, including for use with non-fungible tokens (NFTs), blog posts, or videos.
Advertising, Marketing, and Promotional Material
You may not purchase any of ELEK’s trademarks as an ad word or keyword from any search engine, social media forum, or other online venue. You may not use any of ELEK’s trademarks or copyrighted material in advertising, marketing, or promotional materials.
Typestyles & Fonts
You may not use typestyles or fonts for your company name or product name that look like those of ELEK’s trademarks, copyrighted work, or stylisations. You may not use logos, designs, or stylisations that incorporate design elements of, or look like, logos, designs, or stylisations of ELEK’s trademarks.
Alteration or Modification of Marks
You may not alter or modify any of ELEK’s trademarks in any way.
Screenshots of Non-Software Products
You may not use or display screenshots of any content from any website, blog, or any non-software offering from ELEK or any of its affiliates.
AI Data Models
You may not use or scrape any trademarks, content, or data of ELEK or any of its affiliates, for the creation or training of AI models or tools, including but not limited to machine learning models, generative models, deep learning models, and artificial neural networks.
Disparaging Uses
You may not use any of ELEK’s trademarks or copyrighted works in a way that is defamatory, libelous, obscene, unlawful, or otherwise disparaging or in any way that would dilute, tarnish, or otherwise conflicts with ELEK’s ability to use and/or enforce its rights in its trademarks or copyrighted works, even if such use is under a license.
Use of Confusingly Similar Marks & Translations
You may not use any trademark or service mark that is likely to be confused with any of ELEK’s trademarks in your company’s name, product or service name, publication title, conference title, website name, domain name, social media handle, or other source-identifying material or otherwise give the impression of affiliation with or endorsement by ELEK (e.g., a name or brand that may be viewed as being a part or extension of an ELEK trademark “family”). You may not use abbreviations or translations of any of ELEK’s trademarks.
Authorised Uses
Acknowledgment Before Use
Before using any of ELEK’s trademarks or copyrighted works, you must carefully review these Guidelines. By downloading, using, or displaying any of ELEK’s trademarks or copyrighted works, you warrant and acknowledge that you have read these guidelines in full and agree to abide by them and further acknowledge and agree to the following:
- ELEK is the sole owner of its trademarks and copyrighted works.
- You warrant that you will not interfere with ELEK’s ownership or rights in its trademarks or copyrighted works anywhere in the world.
- You may not transfer the rights granted in these Guidelines to anyone else.
- Any goodwill derived from your use of ELEK’s trademarks or copyrighted works inures to the benefit of ELEK.
- Unless otherwise specified in a separate agreement, we may modify or revoke any right to use or display ELEK’s trademarks or copyrighted works at any time in our sole discretion.
- These Guidelines are not intended to be an exhaustive list of ELEK’s rights in its trademarks and copyrighted works.
- We make no warranties with any permissions we grant of ELEK’s trademarks or copyrighted works.
- ELEK will not be liable for any damages arising from using ELEK’s trademarks or copyrighted works according to these Guidelines, whether direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, exemplary, or otherwise.
- ELEK reserves all rights in its intellectual property, including rights not expressly described in these Guidelines.
Referring to ELEK in Text
You may use ELEK’s word marks in plain text to accurately reference our company, products, or services, if your use does not risk confusion about our involvement or relationship (or lack thereof). The following guidelines must be followed:
- ELEK’s trademark must not be a part of the offering’s name or other branding (such as logos or tag lines).
- ELEK’s trademark must be less prominent than the offering’s name.
- Referential language must be used as the prefix to accurately explain the inclusion of ELEK’s trademarks. For example “compatible with,” “runs on,” “built on,” or “integrates with” are accepted referential phrases when such statements are true.
- Your use of ELEK’s trademark must not risk creating an impression of endorsement, sponsorship, or false association with ELEK or any of its products or services.
- A trademark attribution notice must be included within the credit/end section of the publication providing adequate notice of ELEK’s ownership of its trademarks. Acceptable attribution statement language can be found in the “Usage Guidelines” section below.
Product Integration & Compatibility Diagrams
If you are a developer or have a product or solution that is interoperable, integrated, or compatible with a ELEK product in some way, you may use ELEK’s appropriate product logo solely within a diagram, flowchart, or similar graphical design to accurately illustrate how your product, service, or solution works with the ELEK product, provided the following guidelines are followed:
- ELEK’s trademark must not be the most prominent logo in the diagram and must be less prominent than your offering’s branding.
- Your use of ELEK’s trademark must not risk creating an impression of endorsement, sponsorship, or false association with ELEK or any of its products or services.
Screenshots of Software
Screenshots of ELEK’s software are permitted solely for educational tutorials or to demonstrate how your product integrates with ELEK’s, provided the following guidelines are followed:
- Don’t alter screenshots, except to resize or to redact sensitive information.
- Don’t use screenshots that contain third-party content without the permission of the third party.
- Don’t use screenshots that contain an image of an identifiable individual or other personally identifiable information.
- The screenshot must accurately portray how the product works.
- The screenshot and the context in which it is shown must be clear as to whose product it is.
You may link to ELEK’s content if you do not commercialise the links.
Written Agreement with ELEK
If you are a ELEK partner or authorised reseller, or any other body that has been provided specific permission to use or display ELEK’s trademarks or copyrighted works within your licensing or other written agreement with ELEK, you are permitted to use and display only those of ELEK’s trademarks and copyrighted works specifically referenced in your agreement, and you must follow the terms outlined in your specific agreement. If you wish to use or display any of ELEK’s trademarks and/or copyrighted works not specifically referenced in your agreement, reach out to your ELEK contact.
You may have received additional guidelines outlining prohibited and permitted uses of ELEK’s trademarks and copyrighted works. Any such additional guidelines merely supplement and do not replace these Guidelines. Furthermore, these guidelines supplement any written agreement you may have with ELEK.
You may have received additional guidelines outlining prohibited and permitted uses of ELEK’s trademarks and copyrighted works. Any such additional guidelines merely supplement and do not replace these Guidelines. Furthermore, these guidelines supplement any written agreement you may have with ELEK.
Below are additional guidelines for specific relationship categories:
Appropriate Attribution Language
- Partners may use their appropriate partner badge, which must be kept up to date. Partners should refer to their partnership agreements.
- If you have any questions, reach out directly.
- Resellers should refer to their agreement(s) for their specific brand guidelines and creative assets.
- If you have additional questions, reach out to your ELEK contact.
Certified Professionals:
- ELEK certified professionals may use the credential designation and associated logo they earned.
- We typically do not provide endorsements for our vendors.
- Academic institutions and publishing companies who want to use ELEK’s content, such as charts or white papers, for educational uses should contact ELEK for information.
Usage Guidelines
If you fall into one of the authorised use categories listed above, you must follow these guidelines when using ELEK’s trademarks, along with any others provided that are specific to your use.
Appropriate Attribution Language
The following attribution statement must accompany any use of ELEK’s trademarks:
“[insert ELEK trademark] is a trademark of Electrotechnik Pty Ltd”
Example: “ELEK is a trademark of Electrotechnik Pty Ltd”
Use Trademarks as Adjectives
Our trademarks are meant to be used as adjectives and may not be used as nouns or verbs. Using a trademark as a noun or verb can dilute our trademark and weaken its ability to serve as a source identifier for our products and services. As much as practicable, you should use ELEK’s trademarks as an adjective followed by the generic category name of the product or service.
“Transform electrical power systems engineering at your organisation by using cutting-edge ELEK software.”
Proper Spelling and Stylisation
Use our trademarks in the correct spelling and format as they appear on our company websites, where written in plain text. Even if a trademark is written in lowercase in its logo, it should start with a capital letter when written in plain text.
- ELEK (all capitals)
- SafeGrid (capital S, capital G)
- Cable HV (capital C, capitals for HV)
- Cable Pro (capital C, capital P)
- Cable Pulling (capital C, capital P)
- LineRate (capital L, capital R)
Distinguish Trademarks in Text
When referencing any of ELEK’s trademarks in text, you must distinguish them from the surrounding text by capitalising the first letter in each word of the ELEK trademark.
Policy Updates
This Policy may change from time to time and is available on our website
Contact Us
For further information or to contact us, please visit our contact page.