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ELEKTM Power Engineering Software
ELEKTM Software

Touch and Step Voltage Calculator

This free electrical calculator determines the safe (permissible) voltage limits for designing electrical earthing and grounding systems.

The calculations comply with IEEE Standard 80.

Your Calculated Safety Criteria Is:

Why This Result?
The permissible touch and step voltage was calculated using the equation that considers the surface layer derating factor (Cs) and surface layer resistivity (ρs). If no protective surface layer is used, then Cs =1 and ρs = ρ.

The equations used to calculate touch and step voltages in this calculator are derived from IEEE Standard 80, ensuring full compliance with the standard's guidelines.

**Disclaimer**: Our electrical calculators are intended for use by qualified electrical professionals only. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, these tools are provided as a guide and should not replace professional judgment or compliance with relevant standards and regulations. Users must verify the results independently and assume full responsibility for their application.

Need Professional Earthing Software?

safegrid features 21 - Touch and Step Voltage Calculator

SafeGrid Earthing Software is comprehensive, accurate and easy-to-use software for modelling earthing systems.

Calculate the grid resistance, grid potential rise (GPR), touch and step voltages of earthing systems of any shape or size.

SafeGrid mobilebanner - Touch and Step Voltage Calculator

How to use

Calculator inputs explained

Body weight

Shock duration (s)

Resistivity of the native soil (Ohm.m)

Resistivity surface layer resistivity (Ohm.m)

Surface layer depth (m)

Frequently asked questions

How do I calculate safe limits in accordance with European Standards?

What equations does the calculator use and where can I find them?

Should I select 50 kg or 70 kg for body weight?

What value should I enter for shock duration?